Katherine Eaton's (ktmeaton) page for the Advent of Code 2020 challenge.
Katherine Eatonโs page for the Advent of Code 2020 Challenge.
git clone https://github.com/ktmeaton/advent-of-code-2020.git
cd advent-of-code-2020/
pip install .[dev]
Start up a Gitpod workspace:
Run as a script:
Run as a module:
from advent_of_code_2020.advent_of_code_2020 import AdventOfCode2020
advent = AdventOfCode2020()
advent.day01(input="input/day01.txt", output="output/day01.log")
Check the output for a particular day:
cat output/day01.log
python -m coverage run -m pytest --cov=advent_of_code_2020 --cov-report=xml test/test_advent.py